You can adopt, have, and be a pup as long as you are realistic, appropriate, and you follow these rules below ↓
◄ You will be responsible for the pup
◄ You do not need a mate to adopt
◄You, the pup, and your mate(if you have one) must agree on the adoption
◄ You must b decently active to adopt
◄ You must ask the pup if he wants to be adopted by you
◄You must be trusted by the alpha/leader o your pack to adopt
◄ You must have a mate that agrees to having pups
◄You cannot be descriptive on the birth of the pups
◄ You can have up to six puppies
◄ You are responsible for finding people to roleplay as your pups
◄You and your mate may roleplay one of your own pups each as long as you do not already have a seperate account
◄ Be realistic about it, your pups are not born with open eyes and skipping around merily
◄ The pups will be born when all number of pups slots the parents want are filled up
◄ Your pups are your full responsibility
◄ You and your mate must be active
◄ You and your mate must decided how many pups you want and you must make bio's for the pups, including name, gender, appearence, and personality
◄If you decided to have pups then contact either Dark or me via PM and we will tell you what to do to have your pups
◄ Be realistic, pups are not born with open eyes and they cannot skip around like a little pixie fairy
◄ Listen to your adoptive parents sometimes
◄ If you already have two charictrs and you wish to become some ones pup, then kill off a charicter and you can ask to be their pup
The parents can refuse you as their pup if they want
◄ Dont be totally out of controll and go sneaking off or something
◄ Respect your parents
◄ If the parents want to have two pups and they only have you, you will have to wait till the other slot is filled up to